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Bass Mixing – Best Tips & Plugins To Enhance Your Bass

Bass Mixing Enhancement - Best Tips & Plugins To Do It

Achieving the right amount of bass in your mix can be challenging, but with the right strategies and tools, you can create a balanced low end that translates well across various playback systems.

This article is your go-to guide for nailing bass mixing. We’ll cover everything from fine-tuning your EQ and compression to setting up your studio for optimal sound.

Note that I use plugins from Fabfilter, but you can use any plugin you prefer, any parametric EQ and Compressor can do these things regardless of what DAW you use.

High-Pass Filter Non-Bass Elements

Using a high-pass filter on non-bass elements is crucial for preventing unnecessary low-frequency buildup, which leaves more space for bass elements to shine.

By carefully setting the high-pass filter around 80-120 Hz, you can effectively remove frequencies that clutter the mix without affecting the body of non-bass instruments.

Choosing a slope of 12 dB/octave or higher enhances the filtering efficiency, ensuring that the cut is clean and precise. This technique helps maintain clarity in the low end, allowing the bass and kick drum to sit prominently and distinctly in the mix.

Bass Mixing Fabfilter Pro Q3 High-Pass Filter
In my example, I put a low-pass filter up to 80 hertz on the guitar track.

Applying these filters to guitars, synths, vocals, and other mid to high-frequency elements results in a cleaner overall sound, and the bass elements have more room to breathe and resonate, providing a solid foundation for the mix and enhancing its overall balance and impact.

Subtractive EQ

Subtractive EQ is a powerful technique for enhancing clarity in a mix by removing unwanted frequencies. By focusing on problematic areas, you can make space for essential elements like bass without compromising their integrity.

Start with a narrow Q setting, which allows for precise adjustments, and sweep through the frequency spectrum to identify muddy frequencies typically found around 200-400 Hz. These muddy frequencies can cause the mix to sound cluttered and lack definition.

Once you identify the problematic frequencies, apply gentle cuts of -2, -3 dB. These subtle reductions can significantly clean up the bass, making it sound tighter and more defined without thinning it out or losing its fullness.

Bass Mixing Fabfilter Pro Q3 Muddy Frequencies
In my example, I found slightly dirtier frequencies around 270 Hz, so I made a little cut there.

The goal is to remove just enough to reduce muddiness while maintaining the natural warmth and body of the bass.

Balancing The Kick & Bass

Achieving a balanced mix between the bass and kick drum is crucial for a well-defined and impactful low end. Both elements must be audible and complement each other without overpowering one another. Here’s how to achieve this balance:

Volume Adjustment

Start by setting the volume levels of the kick and bass. Ensure both elements are clearly audible, making minor adjustments until neither is too dominant. The kick should provide a punch that cuts through the mix, while the bass should offer a solid foundation without overshadowing the kick.

EQ Carving

To create space for both the kick and bass, use EQ to carve out their respective frequency ranges. Analyze their frequency content and make adjustments to avoid overlap:

  • Kick with Sub-Bass Content: If your kick drum has a lot of sub-bass, consider reducing those frequencies in the bass line. This might involve using a high-pass filter on the bass or a gentle cut in the sub-bass region (20-60 Hz).
  • Bass with Sub-Bass Content: Conversely, if the bass line is rich in sub-bass, you might need to cut those frequencies from the kick drum to prevent them from clashing.
Mixing Bass and Kick Pro Q3 Plugin Settings
In my example you can see how the bass reaches its maximum at 73 Hz and the Kick somewhere around 75 Hz.

My Example:

  • Kick: Boost at around 75 Hz for the punch, cut at 246 Hz to reduce muddiness.
  • Bass: Cut at 75 Hz to make room for the kick, boost at 120 Hz to give it presence.

Sidechain Compression

Sidechain compression is an effective technique to ensure the kick and bass do not conflict. It involves reducing the volume of the bass slightly whenever the kick hits, allowing the kick to cut through more effectively. Here’s how to set it up:

Bass Mixing Fabfilter Pro C2 Sidechain Compression

  1. Insert Compressor: Place a compressor on the bass track.
  2. Sidechain Input: Set the sidechain input to the kick drum. This can typically be done in the routing section of your DAW or within the plugin settings.
  3. Adjust Compressor Settings:
    • Threshold: Set the threshold so the compressor activates whenever the kick hits.
    • Ratio: Use a moderate ratio (e.g., 4:1) to control the amount of gain reduction applied to the bass.
    • Attack: Set a fast attack time to ensure the compressor kicks in immediately when the kick hits.
    • Release: Adjust the release time so the compression tails off smoothly after the kick, avoiding pumping effects.

Parallel Compression

Adding thickness without overwhelming the mix is possible with parallel compression. This technique involves duplicating the signal and applying heavy compression to one copy while leaving the original signal uncompressed.

Bass Mixing Fabfilter Pro C2 Parallel Compression

Set your compressor with a higher ratio (e.g., 8:1 or 10:1), a fast attack, and a medium release on the parallel chain to add punch and density to the bass.

To blend the compressed signal with the dry signal, use a mix control or route the compressed and uncompressed signals to a bus. A typical blend might be around 50% wet and 50% dry, allowing you to maintain the natural dynamics of the bass while adding thickness and sustain from the compressed signal.

Low-End Harmonics

Enhancing perceived bass without increasing actual bass levels can be achieved by adding low-end harmonics. Plugins like Soundtoys Decapitator or FabFilter Saturn are excellent tools for this purpose.

These plugins can add subtle harmonic distortion, enriching the bass with additional overtones that make it sound fuller and more prominent on smaller speakers.

Start with a low amount of harmonic distortion and increase gradually, listening carefully to avoid muddying the mix. Focus on enhancing harmonics in the 80-200 Hz range, where they can add warmth and presence to the bass.

Too much distortion can lead to a congested mix, so aim for subtlety to achieve a natural and balanced enhancement. By carefully applying these techniques, you can create a powerful and well-defined low end that translates well across various playback systems.

Master Bus Processing

Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor VST Plugin
In my example I use Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor by Plugin Alliance. I set the threshold, gain, ratio, attack, and release to achieve 1-2 dB of gain reduction. I use a slow attack and medium release.

Subtle adjustments on the master bus can refine your mix. Apply a gentle high-pass filter around 20-40 Hz to remove sub-bass rumble.

Using a mastering compressor with a low ratio (e.g., 1.5:1) and a slow attack time helps glue the mix together by gently controlling the dynamics without squashing the transients.

A slow attack allows the initial transients of the mix to pass through unaltered, preserving the punch and clarity of the mix.

The release time should be set usually moderately fast to medium, to ensure a natural compression effect that breathes with the music.

Also read: How To “Calculate” The Compressor Release Time Correctly

Bass Mixing Plug-ins

Bass mixing plugins are essential tools for achieving precise control over bass frequencies, ensuring a balanced and powerful low end in your mix. Plugins like FabFilter Pro-MB are invaluable for their ability to compress specific frequency bands.

Fabfilter Pro-MB Bass Mixing Compression

This multiband compressor allows you to isolate the low frequencies and apply compression independently from the rest of the frequency spectrum. This targeted compression helps in tightening the bass and controlling any unruly low-end dynamics without affecting the higher frequencies.

iZotope Neutron is another powerful tool, offering dynamic EQ capabilities that are perfect for bass mixing. Dynamic EQ combines the precision of an equalizer with the responsiveness of a compressor, allowing you to apply EQ adjustments dynamically based on the incoming signal.

iZotope Neutron Bass Mixing

This means you can address problematic frequencies only when they become an issue, providing a more transparent and natural sound. For instance, if there’s a specific frequency that occasionally booms or resonates too much, dynamic EQ can tame it without affecting the rest of the track.

These plugins often come with advanced features such as visual feedback, sidechain capabilities, and comprehensive analysis tools, which make it easier to understand and manipulate the bass frequencies in context with the rest of the mix.

Visual feedback, such as frequency spectrum displays and gain reduction meters, helps you see exactly what adjustments are being made, providing a clearer understanding of how the changes affect the overall sound.

Furthermore, many of these plugins include presets and intelligent analysis tools that can automatically suggest starting points for EQ and compression settings based on the content of your track.

This can be particularly useful for quickly addressing common bass mixing issues and refining your adjustments to fit the specific needs of your mix.

Monitor Calibration

Creating a proper monitoring environment for bass mixing involves careful attention to room acoustics, speaker placement, and calibration.

Acoustic treatment with bass traps in corners and acoustic panels on walls and the ceiling helps absorb low-frequency sound waves and reduce reflections, creating a controlled sound field.

Positioning studio monitors away from walls and at the ear level ensures accurate frequency response and stereo imaging. Integrating a subwoofer requires proper placement and phase alignment to achieve a balanced low-end response.

Measuring the room with software and an omnidirectional microphone identifies frequency response anomalies, allowing for precise EQ corrections.

Maintaining a consistent listening position in the sweet spot ensures an accurate perception of the mix. Using reference tracks for comparison helps gauge the accuracy of the low end, ensuring the mix translates well across different playback systems.

Regularly checking mixes on various systems, including headphones and consumer speakers, ensures a well-balanced and professional-sounding bass mix.

Use Reference Tracks

Reference tracks provide a benchmark for professional sound quality. Choose tracks that match the genre and style of your mix.

Use reference comparison audio plugins like SPAN by Voxengo, Metric AB by ADPTR Audio, Reference by Mastering The Mix, or Magic AB by Sample Magic to visually compare the frequency spectrum of your mix with reference tracks.


Getting the right amount of bass in your mix is about balance and ensuring each element in your mix has its own space. Proper volume adjustments, EQ carving, and sidechain compression are key techniques to achieve this balance.

Experiment with these tips, and don’t hesitate to make small adjustments to find what works best for your specific mix. By understanding and applying these techniques, you’ll achieve a well-balanced low end that translates well across all playback systems.

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