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Category Archives: Mastering

Mastering Your Tracks at -14 LUFS: Good or Bad?

Mastering Your Tracks at -14 LUFS Good or Bad

As an audio engineer, the subject of mastering levels is always a hot topic on different audio forums, Reddit, or Facebook groups. One question that often arises is whether mastering tracks at -14 LUFS (Loudness Units relative to Full Scale) is a good practice. Let’s delve into this, considering the technical aspects and industry standards. […]

Best Reference VST Plugins for Comparison (A/B Plugins)

Best Reference VST Plugins for Mixing Mastering Comparison

Using reference tracks during the mixing and mastering process is essential for achieving professional sound quality. Reference VST plugins streamline this process by allowing you to compare your mix against industry-standard tracks, providing insights into frequency balance, dynamic range, and overall tonal quality. Let’s explore some of the best reference VST plugins available, their features, […]

The Importance of Reference Tracks in Mixing & Mastering

The Importance Of Reference Tracks In Mixing and Mastering

Reference tracks are a critical tool for music producers, sound engineers, and mixing and mastering professionals. They provide a benchmark for professional sound quality, ensuring that your mix stands up against industry standards. This article explores the importance of reference tracks, how to choose them, and how to effectively use them in your music production […]

From Bedroom to Billboard With Best Online Mixing and Mastering Services

From Bedroom to Billboard With Best Online Mixing and Mastering Services

As a passionate music creator, you’ve probably felt the thrill of laying down tracks in your own space, turning raw ideas into tangible soundscapes. Whether you’re an artist, rapper, or singer, the journey from a bedroom demo to a polished track is filled with creativity and personal expression. However, even the most inspired home recordings […]

How Much Does Audio Mixing & Mastering Cost?

How Much Does Audio Mixing & Mastering Cost

What does professional mixing and mastering cost? When it comes to music production, mastering is the final step that polishes your mix, ensuring it translates well across various listening platforms. It’s crucial to understand how much you might expect to spend on this vital service and what factors contribute to the costs involved. The price […]

What is Dithering in Audio and How It Works

What Is Dithering in Digital Audio and How It Works

Dithering is a sophisticated technique employed in audio production to enhance the quality of digital signals as they are converted to analog format. In this article, I will explain the essence of dithering, how it improves sound quality, and its practical applications in professional audio work. What is Dithering in Audio? Dithering is a technique […]

How to Use Mid/Side EQ with FL Studio’s Stock Plugins

Audio mixing and mastering require both technical skill and creative insight. One powerful technique that has gained popularity among audio engineers for its versatility in managing the stereo field is Mid/Side (M/S) Equalization. In this article, we’ll delve into what M/S EQ is, why it’s essential, and how to effectively use it within FL Studio […]

How To Use FL Studio Soundgoodizer – How It Really Works

How To Use FL Studio Soundgoodizer – How It Really Works

FL Studio’s Soundgoodizer is a mastering audio effect plugin that has gained popularity for its simplicity and effectiveness in enhancing the sound quality of music tracks. It is essentially a “maximizer-enhancer” based on the powerful Maximus sound processing engine, renowned for its dynamic range compression capabilities. This article delves into FL Studio Soundgoodizer’s essence, explaining […]

6 Important Differences Between Mixing and Mastering

6 Important Differences Between Mixing and Mastering

These two processes are pivotal in shaping the final sound of a song, yet their differences can sometimes seem nuanced to the uninitiated. Mixing and mastering serve distinct purposes, each contributing uniquely to the music creation process. This article aims to demystify these roles, clarifying the main differences between audio mixing and mastering and explaining […]

Mixing Vs. Mastering – Explaining The Main Differences

Mixing Vs. Mastering - Explaining The Main Differences

Mixing? Mastering? Is there even a difference? Many people, especially those just starting in audio engineering, ask themselves this question daily. I’ve heard this question countless times over my 15 years as a sound engineer from my customers, producers, and artists. And really, this question stems from two main reasons: Many do not understand the […]